The Culpeper Team Hosts Blessing Ceremony for New Cottages
As construction continues on The Culpeper’s Hillside Cottages, the team hosted a service on March 2 to bless the new homes. After crews ran the cottage’s electrical wiring and before drywall is hung, team members invited future residents to gather with their personal pastor and The Culpeper’s Chaplain Hans Murdock to bless the first three cottages.
Marketing Director Rose Wallace assisted the future residents in choosing their favorite scriptures to incorporate. She also searched for additional scriptures that are suitable for every room in the homes. At the service, attendees all stood in a circle prayed together before writing the scriptures on the wooden beams throughout the cottages.
Team members from Henderson Construction were on hand at the service to answer any questions that the residents had and gave them an opportunity to see their future homes before completion.
“I will be taking the pictures of each scripture, putting them in small frames and they will be affixed inside of each cottage coat closet for prosperity and so future cottage residents will always know the love and faith that is baked into each cottage,” said Wallace. “I also have a calligrapher who is going to write the future homeowners’ favorite scripture to be placed in a frame on their kitchen counter on move-in day.”
Progress is steady on the Hillside Cottages. As least six cottage foundations are complete, three are framed and two with framing underway. Learn more online.