The Culpeper Grants Team Members Affected by COVID-19 Additional Paid Sick Leave, Free Testing
The Culpeper, a LifeSpire of Virginia community, today announced that in the event any member of its team is diagnosed with Coronavirus (COVID-19), they will be given additional paid sick leave to be used for the self-quarantine period. Full-time team members diagnosed with a confirmed case will be granted an additional 10 days or 80 hours of paid sick leave. Part-time team members diagnosed with a confirmed case will receive their average time worked a week for a two-week period. For example, a team member that averages three shifts a week will be provided 48 hours of paid sick leave.
The Culpeper also opted to cover the cost of testing for COVID-19 through its employer-provided healthcare plan. If for any reason the cost of the test is not covered, The Culpeper will reimburse the team member for the cost of the test.

“As providers caring for the most high-risk population, we need to ensure we protect our residents. To do this we must be diligent in our efforts to mitigate the spread of this virus through quarantines, hand-washing and social distancing,” said LifeSpire of Virginia President and CEO Jonathan Cook. “While the nation is in a constant state of flux, we want to provide support to our team members as they do everything they can to keep our communities safe and healthy during this pandemic.”