Plans for Gradual Reopening
The management team at The Culpeper thanks residents and their loved ones for ongoing patience and understanding as we continue to work to meet requirements and move through the different phases set forth by the Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Department of Social Services and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Please know the health, wellness and safety of all residents continue to be our number one priority. With that said, some exciting changes are forthcoming.
Starting August 6, all independent living residents residing in the cottages will be offered the opportunity for communal dining in the main building for lunch only. This will be for cottage residents only and no other guests will be permitted at this time. There will be limited seating available and reservations will be based on a first come first serve basis. Cottage residents can reserve a space for a 12:30 p.m. lunch seating or a second seating at 1:15 p.m. Please make reservations for lunchtime preferences with the main desk receptionist by calling 540-825-2411. Since dining for lunch in the main dining room will begin August 6, meal delivery to the cottages will only be available for the evening meal. “Bernie Bags”, which includes a continental breakfast and light dinner, will continue to be available for $5.
All independent living residents residing in the cottages who would like to participate in the main dining room lunch meal will need to make a reservation as previously stated. When arriving at the main building, cottage residents will need to have their mask on and proceed to the dining patio door, where a trained team member will properly screen each resident, including a temperature check. A mask must be worn at all times unless a resident is eating their meal. All screening protocol must be followed, and infection control criteria must be met before residents may enter the facility for dining. After screening is complete, each resident will be escorted to their table where lunch will be served. The Village Café will also be utilized for seating as needed. Residents should enjoy their lunch and exit the building promptly once lunch is complete. The public restrooms will be available for use.
Communal dining for cottage residents only will be from August 6-17, to allow ample time to work through the new processes. The dining room will open to all main building residents to beginning on Tuesday, August 18. More details will be provided soon. Please keep an eye on channel 970.
There will be planned activities scheduled for cottage and main building residents beginning August 4. To meet social distancing and capacity requirements and to ensure precautions are maintained, these planned activities will have a limited number of spots available. Please continue to check the inhouse channel and/or the communique and activity calendar for a list of events for cottage and apartment residents.
Questions may be submitted via email at [email protected] or call 540-825-2411 and speak with any team member.