November 5: COVID-19 Update
In response to the recent memory support positive resident COVID-19 case, and as directed by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), memory support residents and team members underwent weekly testing on November 2. We are happy to report that all tested memory care residents and team members are negative for COVID-19. The previously mentioned resident continues to be asymptomatic. All other memory care residents and team members remain symptom-free.
Weekly testing of healthcare residents and team members also occurred on this date. Unfortunately, during this testing, one healthcare resident tested positive for COVID-19. The resident was immediately isolated and the resident’s representative was notified. The resident is asymptomatic at this time. All other healthcare residents and team members remain symptom-free. A few team member results are currently pending. The Culpeper’s management team will report the results when they are received.
The Culpeper management team has notified the governing agencies as required including VDH. Due to the positive result in health care, residents and team members in health care will continue to undergo weekly testing until two weeks of concurrent negative testing are returned, per VDH recommendation. Memory care residents will also continue weekly testing until two weeks of concurrent negative testing is returned due to the recent positive resident. Memory support and healthcare quarantine will continue until further notice.
All team members continue to utilize proper protective equipment, including N95 respirators. The Culpeper’s team continues to follow all necessary precautions and guidelines set forth by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Department of Social Services, and VDH to limit the spread of the virus.
Visitation is still suspended at this time, but the management team is hopeful to allow the opportunity for a special Thanksgiving meal with loved ones. Plans are currently being finalized and details are forthcoming. A member of the team will be contacting each healthcare, memory support and assisted living resident representative later next week to determine holiday plans for all residents. If a resident chooses to attend an offsite Thanksgiving celebration, a seven-day quarantine period will be required upon return, followed by testing on day eight. Residents will not be permitted off quarantine until negative test results are received.
Please check the COVID-19 communications hub for up to date communications. Questions or concerns may be submitted via email at [email protected] or 540-825-2411.