February 2: COVID-19 Update
The Culpeper’s leadership team is pleased to report that memory support outbreak testing has concluded after its second consecutive week of all negative resident and team member results. All communal activities and dining will resume, and visitation is encouraged.
The Culpeper’s clinical team continues to test symptomatic and exposed team members as needed. One direct care team member who works primarily in assisted living has tested positive after exposure outside of the community. The positive team member will remain at home until return-to-work criteria are met. Contact tracing has been completed. No high-risk exposures to residents or team members were identified.
All communal activities and dining remain suspended for Davis Street. Assisted living, Main Street and rehab-to-home also continue dining and activities as scheduled with mask use and distancing in place. Per Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services guidance, visitation will not be discontinued although visitors are strongly discouraged from visiting Davis Street on the terrace level.
The Culpeper’s terrace level remains in outbreak testing with the next testing date for residents and team members set for Thursday, February 3. Any team members who have received a medical or religious waiver from LifeSpire of Virginia will continue to be tested based on the county transmission rate. The leadership team will communicate any further positive cases.
All licensing agencies and the Virginia Department of Health have been notified of the positive cases and subsequent actions taken by The Culpeper.
Check the COVID-19 communications hub at https://culpeperretirement.org/blog/covid19/ for up-to-date communications. Please direct questions to Executive Director Jim Jacobsen at [email protected] or (540) 825-2411.