August 4: COVID-19 Testing Update

As directed by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), a recent sample of COVID-19 tests was completed on July 31, strictly for team members who work in the health care unit. Testing results are now available.

Ten health care employees were randomly selected for testing. Out of the 10 tested, one dining team member tested positive for COVID-19. At this time, the team member is asymptomatic, will quarantine at home for at least 10 days and is expected to fully recover. The management team has completed a contact tracing survey to determine who this team member had recent close contact with. The team member had no recent close contact with residents. The Culpeper management team has notified community members about possible exposure and has been in touch with the VDH. Residents at The Culpeper are asymptomatic and are being closely monitored.

Per VDH, weekly sample COVID-19 testing of employees in the health care neighborhoods will continue until two consistent weeks of negative test results are returned. The management team will keep you informed and updated as more information becomes available and as the community continues with progression towards reaching Phase II.

During the baseline testing conducted at The Culpeper late last month, three team members tested positive for COVID-19. All three have returned to work following self-quarantine guidance from VDH.

Please check the COVID-19 communications hub at for up to date communications. Questions may be submitted via email at [email protected] or 540-825-2411.